Doctor Who: Limericks Collection 1
By Kandl, BraveheartTegan and the Judder Man
Presented here for your masochistic pleasure, some limericks. Let me explain. Uncle Macfadyan frequents a chatroom type thingy. And sometimes things go quiet. When that happens, a few folk play the Limerick Game. One person will type the first line, someone else then types a second line and so on...
So, heres a few from Kandl, BraveheartTegan and his nibbs, the Judder Man...be afraid...
Respectfully dedicated to the fond memory of Peter Everette (TTroy), a great friend to both the AAA@Doctor Who and The Doctor Who VIP Lounge chatrooms.
There once lived a Sontaran named Pete...
Who had very ugly feet
It was a pain in the neck,
So he saw Sharaz Jek
Now isnt that Spectrox sweet?There once was a girl named Nyssa
Whose step mum was a bit of a pisser
And with Davison wet...
And really a vet
JNT had a mind to dismiss herA grumpy old git called Billy....
Fluffed his lines til they sounded quite silly
And with Verity gone...
And all his lines wrong
He died on the moon where it's chillyOnce a composer called Paddy....
Who's hair was often quite matty
Performed Logopolis suites...
And series 18 treats
Now the kids all call him WhoDaddyIn e-space there once lived a boy...
Whose brother wasn't called TTroy
In rubber pyjamas...
He didn't meet lamas
or sadly even Deep RoyA TARDIS, tall and blue...
Had a first occupant called sue
A grumpy old git, one teacher, one twit...
And nowhere to be found, a looA long shanked fellow called Pertwee....
Dressed as a cleaner called Gerty
Mike Yates was quite stricken
His pulse it did quicken
And so he came over all flirtyIn UNIT an Sgt named Benton...
No relation to Trainspotting's Renton
Layed on a jeep....
And alas fell asleep
He wound up in a dumpster in Trenton