Audio Plays

We are proud and privileged to present full Audio Plays for your listening pleasure!

Alistair Lock

Alistair Lock wrote and produced these plays, Takeover Bid and Planet Without a Home, just to see if he could. The first was recorded in 1986, and the second, which features Nick Briggs and Heather Tracy (née Barker) was recorded in 1988. The music for the second play wasn't written and recorded until 1990, when Alistair was able to afford a midi keyboard, computer and some sort of DOS based sequencer to control it all. The versions presented here are remastered versions of the original four track cassette tapes.

Listen to the music for both these plays in Music By Other People.


Take Over Bid
MP3 (30,903 KB)
Ogg Vorbis (21,718 KB)
Just what would happen if the Earth was won in an intergalactic game of cards..? It's Moonbase SoD to the rescue!!
Planet Without a Home
MP3 (33,810 KB)
Ogg Vorbis (24,779 KB)
Just what happens to our heroes when... no, hang on... that's dull... ahem... Just what happens to our villains after Takeover Bid? There. That's better. With added Nick Briggs action.


Please note: These plays are not to be reproduced, etc. without the express permission of the author.