Staggering Stories Podcast: The Drinking Game, Fifth Edition
As upchucking from the Mysterious Mister M, The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal's Fourth Cousin, Johnathan Huddle, with excerpts of 3rd edition by Patrick Lickman
NOTE: This fourth edition of the Podcast Drinking Game is for, roughly, podcasts 100 onwards.
For those of you who have been driven to drink by our podcast - you now have the perfect excuse to get sloshed once more.
To play this innocent little game you will need:
- A large amount of whichever particular alcoholic drink you prefer.
- Friends to play the game with.
- An mp3 Player, possibly connected to speakers.
- A Staggering Stories Podcast, from roughly episode 100 onward.
Once you have gathered the above items, the game can commence. Start that podcast and be ready for the flying carrots.
- 1 drink for every team member who isn't there.
- 1 drink every time someone mentions Shatner.
- 1 drink every time Adam makes a smug innuendo; and an extra drink if it's about Grunhilda Knobknacker.
- 1 drink every time Crumbly says 'I mean' or 'As I say' or 'As you say' etc etc.
- 2 drinks if someone makes fun of Jean's accent; and another if it's Fake Keith, and another if Fake Keith makes fun of Fake Crumbly.
- 1 drink every time Jean says she doesn't like Matt Smith.
- 1 drink for every email Rhys Parton sends.
- 6 shots every time Rhys Parton sends email about the now deceased Stargate Universe.
- 2 shots of tequila every time someone mentions the Head of Pertwee, or any other things that are there that week!
- 1 drink every time someone mentions the New Tron.
- 1 drink every time someone either mentions (shake fists) Gallichan, or Barrowman.
- 4 drink every time Fake Keith or Crumbly mentions Eastenders.
- 1 drink every time someone is DEAD!
- 1 drink for every outtake.
- 2 drink every time someone mentions the Vast Toffee (MN)
- 1 drink every time Real Keith says Bye Bye in that stupid voice.
- 1 drink for every e-mail MISTER M sends in.
- 3 drink for every mention of a shag of Grunhildas!
Follow these rules whilst listening to any Staggering Stories' Podcast and see how you feel in the morning.